Be the Change, You Wish to See in the World.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ex-Sex.... Should it happen?

So I have a topic that I want to talk about this time for my blog:
Ex-Sex, or quite simply, sex with your ex.

So if you break up with someone is it okay to still continue having sex with the person you broke up with?

Well let's examine some possibilities....

If you end on a bad break up, where one or both of you have ill feelings towards each other; even though angry sex can be amazing, it is definitely a bad idea. DO NOT DO IT!!!!
If it was a bad relationship and there was a lot of drama and craziness, having sex with that person can bring you back into all that mess. And it is also possible that one of you is likely to have their feelings hurt by expecting too much. Still bad relationship ending, bad idea, no matter how you spin it.

Okay, so say you have a good break up and it's one of those kinds where you either are still gonna be good friends, or some other way where you ended up on good terms.
Then yes, it can be a good thing or considered okay, but with a few rules.
For starters, don't continue having sex with your ex if you are already pursing another relationship. That is Rule #1.
Second, don't do it if it will prevent one or both of you from finding and meeting new people. That is definitely not a good way to move on. ...sidenote, if your not ready to move on then yes it can be a good idea, but only if both parties agree to the terms.
And now to the third thing, both parties need to agree, be aware, and except the terms of the fuck buddy system they are entering into at that time period.
Fourth, Ex-Sex is not right if it is simply a means to hold on to someone or the relationship you once had.
And I guess while there are more reasons, I will leave with a final thought. If you can't trust your ex, then you probably shouldn't be having sex with them for multiple reasons. But two main reasons are that if you can't trust them then you cant trust they aren't going to hurt you or your heart, and you wont trust they aren't messing around with multiple partners that can potentially expose you to disease.

While under the right circumstances, Ex-Sex can be okay. But in the wrong situations and pretenses, and can be self destructive. Choose wisely friends

That's all for now....
More to come....
Stay tuned....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fridays suck....

So seriously... i dont understand why i was needed to come in this morning.... i mean really.... can no one run the damned thing without me especially when tina is out of town.....ugh

Let me start with saying that after i got done with the lunch rush... i had some errands shall we say.... to take care of privately and let me tell you....oh damn....

First, mary is always starting some shit by acting all crazy and stressed out when its really not that serious. i mean, how the hell could she handle a friday night taking orders and running a busy friday like i do....
but i was looking through the paper trail as i like to call it... for tina right, yea, let me tell you that the money doesnt add up.....
by everything that was input on the books so to say.... 800 dollars came up missing....
oh, oh, and, .... because lin was bored....huh....he decided to go through the "safe" and start counting the money and organizing it right..... yea, i saw him take like 5 or 6 hundred dollars in twenty's and totally pocket the shit..... no wonder business is no good asshole....
but for a busy friday, to treat me like he was tonight, especially when i took care of so much to help the night go by so much more smoothly..... but whatever..... one day mother fucker.... one day.... grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

but for reals... im off work and im sippin my drink.... so alls well that ends right....

thats all for now
more to come
stay tuned

Friday, October 21, 2011

Been a Minute.. huh

So I've not kept up on here in the last month and a half.... and although I could write a long novel... I think I'll stick to some recent basics....

So there's a cool halloween costume party coming up on the 29th at the Irish Exit bar in New Albany.... Several weeks ago, me and Brandy and her mom lol, went costume shopping.... and hold your horses, I'm not gonna reveal my costume.... Your just gonna have to go meet me there and find out....hahahaha....
But anyways, we found some good costumes and had a great day together.

Well, Tinas out of town again, and I cant really say that I blame her. I mean she deserves a vacation for as much and as hard as she works. But anywho, she has invited her cousin to come and help out while shes gone so that not everything falls on me.
Her name is Jinny and she is very nice.... plus she speaks better english and has more of a vocabulary than Tina go figure lol.
But she doesnt trust herself to make decisions and she is always asking Lin instead of me.
Which brings me to my next point....
Lin is the only male out of four children and lets just say that his parents spoiled him rotten because of this fact. This mofo doesnt get his way and all hell breaks loose.
Like many times before when Tina is MIA, he thinks he can run the shop and treats me like shit. Well let me tell you, he's a brat, a drama starter, and a complete liar.
But it's okay because she believes me and not him, even though I am forbidden to reveal the truth to Jinny..... poor thing, she probably thinks the worst of me.

But yea, everything is going good I guess.
I finally broke down and turned on my heat.... me of all people who always likes it cold lol.....

I wish that a certain friend would pay attention to me more....
I'm trying to be a good friend, but I dont exactly feel like I'm getting the same treatment in return...

Stay tuned....
More to come....

Sunday, August 21, 2011

a lovely visit

so after i had a bad week...
amber called me friday night and told me shed like to spend the night saturday at my house after she and derrick were done with the races at the sportsdrome...

i asked to go home at nine but still got cashed out (at 9:20) with two more deliveries and didnt get home til a lil after ten anyways....

anyways u know the old cliche, company's coming...gotta clean
anyways i cleaned up a bit and i keep getting sidetracked everytime i started something i would move on to something else before that was finished lol

but they showed up and we talked i got a kids movie on upstairs in my room for alyssa and amber and derrick played video games while i watched and chilled with a drink....

it was an awesome time and so overdue...i cant wait to do it again...

well thats all for now....
stay tuned....
more to come....

things happen

so its been a minute since ive posted but ive been busy as hell....

so im not sure of all thats happened since my last update...but im gonna give it a try

well we had a hell of a storm that blew through on saturday night on the 13th the had real strong winds. now the storm only lasted for like 10-15 minutes..but that was enough to do some major damage. power was knocked out all over the area, including the shop.
let me say that even though we had no power and the generator for the complex only gave us one emergency outlet, we were still open for business. ugh it was a mess.

so the power didnt come back and fully restore our operating systems at work until monday morning....needless to say that sunday was a bitch at work

since tina came back from new york, lin has been taken alot, ALOT of time off work. he feels that since she had a vacation, yea right, that he should get one as well. well after he stayed home almost four days out of the week after she came back...he ended up staying home 3 days last week. so one night he wanted to go home early, cuz oww his foot hurt and oh hes working so hard, ...yea bullshit. i got upset cuz it was tinas turn to go home and rest. i mean she has that leg condition shit. so anyways i yelled at him and argued with him and came this close (fingers slightly pinched) to hitting him in the freaking face. well i held back and didnt but i would have been nice.

so brandon started school last week and can you believe im the one who has to go and pick his ass up because no one else can....i swear im their slave.

i also have been trying to come up with new schedules for everyone at work cuz its that time again, the time where everyone needs me to change their schedules like its just so damn easy.

any ways....thats the most of it.... i mean theres been some private stuff that ive been dealing with but thats in my personal and private journal....
last week has been rough on me and got me down but rather than unloading on people, ive been talking to people and seeing whats going on in their life and if theres anything i can help them with.

id rather listen to others problems and try to make them feel better, if i can, than think about my own situations....
like brandy and all the messed up stuff shes going through....or kats stressful life lol
or trying to help out my cousin when she and i need each other so much right now but are so far apart...
even tried to cheer up an old friend that had wisdom teeth removed

but i made it through and that was last week and today is the start of a new week so heres hoping its better.....

well like always
stay tuned...
more to come....

Monday, August 8, 2011

finding the light in all this darkness...

so as said previous, im getting a doctor bill from years ago (of which i had no prior knowledge to) resolved and taken off my credit report....woohoo

i messaged an old friend in an attempt to regain the friendship that i once had with him
it was a great friendship and ive missed it for some time

i fell in love with a new wine cooler called cordina daiq-go-ri.....awesome

i also realized that this year has been really tough...and yea im not as lucky as alot of my other friends....but hey im still here
i think everything ive gone through to current has made me stronger and theres bad times of course...but im alot stronger than other people give me credit for....stronger than i know....

today was a zombie day at work....probably cause i was tired and worn out
but i realized today when i was talking to my grandma that my stress level has gone down
either im handling it better or im relenting and jus not letting it all get to me

but im most thankful for my friends...theyre not always there when i need them and sometimes they drift apart....
but the ones that have had the chance to really know me can see im a good person asides from my many mistakes, and they always come back in the end....

i feel loved, i dont know why and i dont know from whom, but hes out there

well thats enough from a hopeless romantic
more to come....
stay tuned....

Saturday, August 6, 2011

applebees friday

so thursday...
well tina came back but thursday sucked..
well i woke up late and then i was stuck at the bank in line for like 20 minutes which made me more late...ugh
plus tina stayed home for several hours until like 2 so i had to run things and didnt know she was gonna stay home...heads up would have been nice....
plus i had to say something to mary about an incident where she second guessed a judgement call i made wednesday night and caused an order to be late....yea well she got pissy...

all i have to say after this week to some people is this
quit stepping on my toes....quit constantly second guessing me when i make a judgement call
i do things whithout out explanations because i know what is going on and what is to be done.
im in charge for a reason and i do my job well
i never said i was perfect and i shouldnt have to take the blame for everything
oh and....its okay that you cant run the place without me but dont be a dick when you realize this

tina told me yesterday that since emily was coming in at 11 and mary was coming in at 11 and judy would be there to answer the phone i could stay home and sleep in til 430 since im worn out from runnin things in tinas absence this week...yea well i turned my phone and boy did it backfire
emily didnt show up, mary didnt show up (cause shes sick boo hoo, shes always sick), and lin didnt show up.....oh wow...rough morning....
nut after i finally got to work i did a few errands for tina and then the night went on...pretty smooth friday for real and you know i hate fridays...ugh
but me and kat went to applebees after to work so we could eat (i could drink), and so we could have brandy as a server so i could give her some extra tip money cause she needs time for real...chilled and relaxed i got a chance to help out a friend.

well thats all for now...
more to come...
stay tuned.....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


so its Wednesday and the weekend is still not here...ahhhh
not that it matters because i work all weekend long but anyways
Tina comes back home tomorrow...yay
yea so today i didn't wake up as early as i thought i would but at least i went to north haven to get Brandon's registration forms for school...that's one more thing off my ever growing checklist...
but for real...Emily called in at about 10 o clock....seriously....ugh
but it was ok cause i bribed Kat to come in for the lunchtime rush which really wasn't as bad as i thought
i mean today was ok...i mean it was busy but i handled my stress and Lin's attitude better than normal so even though I'm exhausted as hell...whew today is done
there was a guy that came in today during lunch that i thought was flirting with me but i don't think anything well ever come of it...but still left me open to possibilities...hehe
I'm really thankful for all that Kat has done this week to help out though...its been super amazing....

side note..Thornton's sells these amazing wine coolers that are like frozen mixed drinks and lets jus say after two I'm feeling chill as pickled dill, cool as a drunk fool
Dr Seuss is that you....
anyways...I'm done for now....

stay tuned....
more to come....

"just another manic mon[day]" ...manic tuesday

oh wow
after today that's almost all i can say to sum it up
well it started this morning that i was running a few minutes behind...and literally i mean 2 minutes....oh my god lets all freak out....but for real on my way to work i sweet talked the accountant for orchard hills apartments into accepting a cash payment for Tina's rent since she left in a damned hurry and forgot to sign a check for it...oh my g....

so i called Mary and asked her after her shift if she would run it up there and get a receipt for that all bases were covered....
and then i called the er doctor's billing department and made sure that i was still eligible for the 50% discount that they offered me since i wanted to pay it and be responsible enough to take care of the bill i owed....yes i am and tomorrow on my way to work I'm planning on stopping by and paying it....with receipt of course to protect me from future problems...

well lunch time was going pretty smooth until a lil after noon when the plumbing backed up...and i mean in a big way....
it got so bad and became such a hassle cleaning up the mess every twenty minutes that we closed the shop and i sent Emily home....
i spent hours running back and forth between the other shops in our station to see how their plumbing was causing complications..and calling a plumber....and calling the landlord keeping her updated on the whole situation.....
well at first i thought that it was a restaurant down the block that caused the problem because of an incident that occurred 2 weeks ago....but whoa was i wrong....
Lin in his moronic thinking decided to open the shop back up even though the problem wasn't resolved yet and i was super pissed because not only was this a health code violation...but i could see this coming back and causing some problems...still do actually.
about 5 the plumber showed up and business went on....
about 630 he showed me and pointed out the problem to me...which by the way happened to be feminine by products that were flushed down the toilet if you know what i mean...probably from other shops since our plumbing lines are all connected on that side of the complex.
about 730 ...the plumber left and told me that our lines were clean of grease indicating that we dispose of our grease properly and said he had it taken care of now....whew
well and so the night went on an I'm glad its over....

so Kat wanted me to keep her company at the gym while she worked out and against my better judgement i went even though I'm so past the point of exhaustion and need to get up early in the morning..but it was cool
we had a chance to talk and rant and ramble and even though she was there longer than she should have been, like longer than she told her mom she'd be which I'm sure it pissed her off, it was good for us.

well I'm beat and off to bed...
that's all for now....
stay tuned...
more to come....

Monday, August 1, 2011

okay ... recap friday thru today....

wake up and head to work and i thought it would be nice since i had plenty of time to get Tina a coffee and me a big gulp before the morning started....oh no...wasn't so simple....
this line was ridiculous...first there was this lady that got 4...count em, 4 different money orders and while i must say that at Thornton's there are three different check out lines...only one was open at the time cuz the other attendants were apparently busy (with only god knows what). i swear that took all of ten minutes...then there was the lady behind here that bought like 200 scratch off tickets and all different ones...ridiculous. anyways by the time i finally got up to the counter it was already a couple minutes til eleven and the other attendants finally decide to attack the ever growing line to the back of the store. would have been nice had they done that like ten minutes earlier...ugh
anyways, i get to work and although we aren't that busy, Tina's in a mood and I'm like what the fuck. needless to say the day goes on with much attitude and customer complaints and the whole time i was jus depressed that all this stress in my life was just building instead of diminishing with each item that I've checked off of my ever growing TODO list.
i cant say that i really remember to much of Friday night now that i look back on it except it was Friday and i hate Fridays at work....blah...i probably blocked it out.
but brandy was supposed to come over after work but instead shes been really depressed lately cuz of all the stress going on in her life....tear for brandy, so anyways she decided to go to an ex friend of mine sentas bar and get shit faced. so i ordered a pizza and watched TV and as lame as it sounds passed out on the couch by like 1230....blah....although i woke up several times during the night which left me feeling drained the next morning.

yea well i was a few minutes late to work and wow did it set Tina off. but i played it off smooth and flipped it and was acting like i was mad at her. but i realized that my car is having problems....AGAIN... and from like 2 and on for the rest of the day i was like a zombie with a sad sob upon my visual aura. to tell the truth, i was in such a fog that i don't even remember much of when Kat showed up to work.
after i got off work, brandy came over and we hung out. she smoked while i watched TV and we jus chilled. plus we spent most of the night looking up old friends and some old exes of hers lol. but i figured if we looked at some old friends....hehe...well you know the drill....i thought it might cheer her up. well it worked like a charm; we messaged an old friend Jesse and not even nine hours later he contacted her and they met up somewhere and hung out for a while(on sunday). Jesse seems like a nice guy don't get me wrong....its just I'm worried for brandy....well here's high hopes.
anyways i get tired, she gets tired, we say goodnight...

because i was up til like 6 in the morning talking to someone after brandy left, of course, i overslept and was late to work. well this pissed Tina off and i was still acting like a drugged up zombie while at work and so basically we weren't talking to each other. i thought i was starting to make decent tips only until i realized that Tina was talking in Chinese to her baby's daddy that i could stay there while she went home, now without an English to Chinese dictionary that was all that i could make out. it wasn't until she came back and i heard her on the phone asking Emily to take her to the airport.....oh great, shes leaving for new york NOW.
well needless to say, i know whats expected of me and i took charge like i knew to do. so i made sure that Mary was coming in and i started running the damn thing.
now unlike last time i haven't been letting Lin get to me so bad with his anxious antics and power trip attitude. however it was frustrating that he wasn't trusting me to do the thing and keepS getting in my way and messing up my organization; so that when something went/goes wrong, naturally i was or am to blame.
so after it all, i went home and relaxed and payed most of my bills online and anyways, long day, but wait, theres more.....

well i wake up later than i wanted and when i got done getting dressed i proceeded to put sodas in my car that I've been storing in my spare room to take to the shop. but, one of the cases of canned coke busted through the bottom and cokes went flying down my leg and under cars in the parking lot. i took me a while to gather all of them. not to mention that the six pack bottled sodas plastic handles kept breaking as well....ugh....why is plastic made so cheap these days.
I'm running way behind now and thank god the delivery truck was late this
but, i still had to pay some of my other bills before i got to work, like dropping off my rent check. well i got my errands done, but at what cost, being super late that's what.
thankfully there weren't any call in orders until after i got there and got my car maybe it will be a slow day.....yea, right.
for a Monday it was kinda busy all day, and of course Lin and his bullshit, jus wish i could hit the ignore button on that, hey there should be an app for that. i mean after lunchtime it was pretty smooth until about 330 when all hell started to break loose.
well, the good news is that i only messed up probably five or six orders but most of it was his fault and not mine....hehe.
finally the day is over and I'm off to sleep to prepare for tomorrow....ugh I'm exhausted and beat.

well that's all for now...
stay tuned, more to come.....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

another migraine day...

today was weird if not stressful
i got up early so i could go to the post office for my boss and to mail my netflix back. after i left the post office brandy called me and asked when i wanted her to meet me so that her dad could fix my car....side note, now that the brakes are fixed, i think the alternator or belt might be going out cuz it acts like it has no battery power when i go to start it up. lets pray that it starts tomorro when i get off to work. but anyways my brakes got fixed and he only charged me 200 hundred bucks, parts and all. that was cool. but mary, mary is being really non complacent and argumentative lately....annoying.

but then there were some customer complaints that drove me up the wall, and i think that because they were so ridiculously stupid and stressful, that this could have been what caused a minor migraine today. and to top it all off, ryan has an attitude, like a gay guy attitude, i mean seriously that boy needs to hurry up and come out of the closet already, ugh. gay guy attitudes get on my nerves as it is, but ryan takes it to an all new level. i dont know if i wanna go the lengths to call him my friend anymore. its not the fact that hes so stuck up kats ass and not mine. its the way i feel when I'm around him, the way he makes me feel ignored and i dont think i wanna keep friends like that. i mean given hes already kind of an ass, but the other night i said goodbye to him like four or five times, no not like, really, and he never heard it. i mean the bastard heard when his phone went off alerting him to some new face book alert but did he hear me say "goodbye ryan"...ugh enough ranting about him. but for real, he messed up alot at work tonight and wanted me to fix his mistakes every time....big baby brat.
kat was very thoughtful though; she knew that i wasn't feeling very well and didn't let any mean shit i said get to her. i even apologized for being rude in a text on a delivery run and shes all like, "already forgotten" cool.

but i think the fact the I'm super stressed is why i was sick again today like yesterday....

i dunno, maybe given time ill figure everything out.

well that's all for now...
off to watch glee project....
more to come, so stay tuned.....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WOW....a day off

so today i had a day off.....let me tell you

what was the whole purpose of having days off if all i do is errands personal and otherwise everytime i get one.

today brandy met up with me and we went to to the library so i could check out a few books and so she could look at a few movies to check out. let me start by saying that if you live in jeffersonville and you haven't been to the new library yet you have to go to the second level. now I've been to the new library before but there was a book that i wanted to get that was in the young adult section which so happens to be on the second level. I've never been up to the second level and when me and brandy got up there....WHOA!!!!

up there they have a patio area on the roof where you can sit out in the nice fresh sun rays and read......neato. of course my first reaction was "OK this is where our tax paying dollars are going to" lol hehe. but no for real it is way cool and you should definitely check it out sometime.

then me and brandy went to buy backs where i bought i few movies that I've been hunting down for some time now; practical magic and imaginary heroes. they have all kinds of older movies on DVDs if you're interested in checking it out. i mean hey it would save you money on shipping and handling you know.

after that we were getting hungry so we went to eat at golden corral. they sure have a different selection for the lunchtime crowd. it was either there at the buffet or El nopal which is my favorite Mexican restaurant. and lets face it....some fat bitches love some buffet. lol

then while we were driving around to different place gettin things here or there after we ate, i had some personal phone calls to make and found out that i might get a certain something removed off my credit report....hooray.

so we end up at the dollar general, and this is when i notice that my phone was still on vibrate from when me and brandy were at the library...oh shit....i missed like 24 calls from my other bestie Kat and she was having a very bad day and needed to vent. so i called her and let her tell me the crazy shit she went through today and oh man....hectic.....tear for Kat :'(

but anyways there was this stand at the front of the dollar store that said buy one get one free and it was fabric cloth grocery I'm trying to be more concerned about the world and Eco system so I'm like hey ill buy some. we get to the checkout line and they both ring up and I'm like "hey they're supposed to be buy one get one". the lady is like no they are not...I'm like yes they are, there's the sign right there.....well another associate gets involved and she says they're not and pulls the sign out of the holder and it says all boys and girls cloths.....well I'm like that's false advertising can i still get the price because its not my fault that the sign holder was blocking what was actually on sale by a thin piece of metal.....i figured might as well ask right. huh, the lady gets an attitude and says"no that is not false advertisement and i just called my manager and she said no"

bitch no you didn't, you didn't have time to call a manager i was watching the whole time. so after the manger type associate leaves, the associate at the cash register asks me if i still want them and I'm like no that's OK...its not really that big a deal.

oh no, it was a big deal for brandy. she felt like the lady who came up to all of us at the register was very rude and even rude to the girl checking us out. she asked her to come back up, got her name, and asked for the number to corporate. needless to say she called and complained and let them no as we were leaving that she was gonna call and funny as it all is, i don't think ill be going back into that dollar general again lol.

well anyways after me and brandy said goodbye, she left to go home to walk her dogs and after about and hour i started cleaning my apartment. and trust me, it needed it whew. so after three and a half hours later everything is clean and the only thing left to do is go through some bills and organize and sort through 3-4 weeks of newspapers to read and clip coupons.

whoa what a busy and productive Tuesday/day off.

well that's all for know, more to come so stay tuned....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One-sided tan

So I noticed that I'm not just burning here of late; which is something that always happens, no tan...jus burn and peel.

So anyways, I keep getting these mild burns that are turning into a tan I i digress.
Anyways I get home from a stressful day and change into night clothes so that i can lounge on the couch in my apartment and while I am changing I notice a very distinct tan line (pics coming soon). I mean there's a reddish tan and then there's this bright white line from where my beater sits on my shoulder. I mean bright like staring into the sun when there's six feet of snow on the ground bright. And further more, besides my white lines, I also notice that one shoulder is darker than the other from driving all the time. Oh yeah, for those who don't know, I'm a delivery driver. But yeah, one shoulder is friggin darker than the other now. It's like dark meat and white meat on Thanksgiving day. Blah....

But this day has been stressful like so many other Mondays. Did I mention that Mondays suck. But I'm off tomorrow and I was trying to get alot of errands done for my boss today since I'll be off tomorrow and I mean just chaos.....ugh.

Stay tuned....more rants to come.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I need a Vaycay.....

I'm conventionally over worked like a rotisserie oven roasting chickens at the Kroger's deli department. I need a break.

A vacation sounds wonderful; and I'm thinking somewhere that I won't be found.