Be the Change, You Wish to See in the World.

Monday, August 1, 2011

okay ... recap friday thru today....

wake up and head to work and i thought it would be nice since i had plenty of time to get Tina a coffee and me a big gulp before the morning started....oh no...wasn't so simple....
this line was ridiculous...first there was this lady that got 4...count em, 4 different money orders and while i must say that at Thornton's there are three different check out lines...only one was open at the time cuz the other attendants were apparently busy (with only god knows what). i swear that took all of ten minutes...then there was the lady behind here that bought like 200 scratch off tickets and all different ones...ridiculous. anyways by the time i finally got up to the counter it was already a couple minutes til eleven and the other attendants finally decide to attack the ever growing line to the back of the store. would have been nice had they done that like ten minutes earlier...ugh
anyways, i get to work and although we aren't that busy, Tina's in a mood and I'm like what the fuck. needless to say the day goes on with much attitude and customer complaints and the whole time i was jus depressed that all this stress in my life was just building instead of diminishing with each item that I've checked off of my ever growing TODO list.
i cant say that i really remember to much of Friday night now that i look back on it except it was Friday and i hate Fridays at work....blah...i probably blocked it out.
but brandy was supposed to come over after work but instead shes been really depressed lately cuz of all the stress going on in her life....tear for brandy, so anyways she decided to go to an ex friend of mine sentas bar and get shit faced. so i ordered a pizza and watched TV and as lame as it sounds passed out on the couch by like 1230....blah....although i woke up several times during the night which left me feeling drained the next morning.

yea well i was a few minutes late to work and wow did it set Tina off. but i played it off smooth and flipped it and was acting like i was mad at her. but i realized that my car is having problems....AGAIN... and from like 2 and on for the rest of the day i was like a zombie with a sad sob upon my visual aura. to tell the truth, i was in such a fog that i don't even remember much of when Kat showed up to work.
after i got off work, brandy came over and we hung out. she smoked while i watched TV and we jus chilled. plus we spent most of the night looking up old friends and some old exes of hers lol. but i figured if we looked at some old friends....hehe...well you know the drill....i thought it might cheer her up. well it worked like a charm; we messaged an old friend Jesse and not even nine hours later he contacted her and they met up somewhere and hung out for a while(on sunday). Jesse seems like a nice guy don't get me wrong....its just I'm worried for brandy....well here's high hopes.
anyways i get tired, she gets tired, we say goodnight...

because i was up til like 6 in the morning talking to someone after brandy left, of course, i overslept and was late to work. well this pissed Tina off and i was still acting like a drugged up zombie while at work and so basically we weren't talking to each other. i thought i was starting to make decent tips only until i realized that Tina was talking in Chinese to her baby's daddy that i could stay there while she went home, now without an English to Chinese dictionary that was all that i could make out. it wasn't until she came back and i heard her on the phone asking Emily to take her to the airport.....oh great, shes leaving for new york NOW.
well needless to say, i know whats expected of me and i took charge like i knew to do. so i made sure that Mary was coming in and i started running the damn thing.
now unlike last time i haven't been letting Lin get to me so bad with his anxious antics and power trip attitude. however it was frustrating that he wasn't trusting me to do the thing and keepS getting in my way and messing up my organization; so that when something went/goes wrong, naturally i was or am to blame.
so after it all, i went home and relaxed and payed most of my bills online and anyways, long day, but wait, theres more.....

well i wake up later than i wanted and when i got done getting dressed i proceeded to put sodas in my car that I've been storing in my spare room to take to the shop. but, one of the cases of canned coke busted through the bottom and cokes went flying down my leg and under cars in the parking lot. i took me a while to gather all of them. not to mention that the six pack bottled sodas plastic handles kept breaking as well....ugh....why is plastic made so cheap these days.
I'm running way behind now and thank god the delivery truck was late this
but, i still had to pay some of my other bills before i got to work, like dropping off my rent check. well i got my errands done, but at what cost, being super late that's what.
thankfully there weren't any call in orders until after i got there and got my car maybe it will be a slow day.....yea, right.
for a Monday it was kinda busy all day, and of course Lin and his bullshit, jus wish i could hit the ignore button on that, hey there should be an app for that. i mean after lunchtime it was pretty smooth until about 330 when all hell started to break loose.
well, the good news is that i only messed up probably five or six orders but most of it was his fault and not mine....hehe.
finally the day is over and I'm off to sleep to prepare for tomorrow....ugh I'm exhausted and beat.

well that's all for now...
stay tuned, more to come.....

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