Be the Change, You Wish to See in the World.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One-sided tan

So I noticed that I'm not just burning here of late; which is something that always happens, no tan...jus burn and peel.

So anyways, I keep getting these mild burns that are turning into a tan I i digress.
Anyways I get home from a stressful day and change into night clothes so that i can lounge on the couch in my apartment and while I am changing I notice a very distinct tan line (pics coming soon). I mean there's a reddish tan and then there's this bright white line from where my beater sits on my shoulder. I mean bright like staring into the sun when there's six feet of snow on the ground bright. And further more, besides my white lines, I also notice that one shoulder is darker than the other from driving all the time. Oh yeah, for those who don't know, I'm a delivery driver. But yeah, one shoulder is friggin darker than the other now. It's like dark meat and white meat on Thanksgiving day. Blah....

But this day has been stressful like so many other Mondays. Did I mention that Mondays suck. But I'm off tomorrow and I was trying to get alot of errands done for my boss today since I'll be off tomorrow and I mean just chaos.....ugh.

Stay tuned....more rants to come.

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