Be the Change, You Wish to See in the World.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

things happen

so its been a minute since ive posted but ive been busy as hell....

so im not sure of all thats happened since my last update...but im gonna give it a try

well we had a hell of a storm that blew through on saturday night on the 13th the had real strong winds. now the storm only lasted for like 10-15 minutes..but that was enough to do some major damage. power was knocked out all over the area, including the shop.
let me say that even though we had no power and the generator for the complex only gave us one emergency outlet, we were still open for business. ugh it was a mess.

so the power didnt come back and fully restore our operating systems at work until monday morning....needless to say that sunday was a bitch at work

since tina came back from new york, lin has been taken alot, ALOT of time off work. he feels that since she had a vacation, yea right, that he should get one as well. well after he stayed home almost four days out of the week after she came back...he ended up staying home 3 days last week. so one night he wanted to go home early, cuz oww his foot hurt and oh hes working so hard, ...yea bullshit. i got upset cuz it was tinas turn to go home and rest. i mean she has that leg condition shit. so anyways i yelled at him and argued with him and came this close (fingers slightly pinched) to hitting him in the freaking face. well i held back and didnt but i would have been nice.

so brandon started school last week and can you believe im the one who has to go and pick his ass up because no one else can....i swear im their slave.

i also have been trying to come up with new schedules for everyone at work cuz its that time again, the time where everyone needs me to change their schedules like its just so damn easy.

any ways....thats the most of it.... i mean theres been some private stuff that ive been dealing with but thats in my personal and private journal....
last week has been rough on me and got me down but rather than unloading on people, ive been talking to people and seeing whats going on in their life and if theres anything i can help them with.

id rather listen to others problems and try to make them feel better, if i can, than think about my own situations....
like brandy and all the messed up stuff shes going through....or kats stressful life lol
or trying to help out my cousin when she and i need each other so much right now but are so far apart...
even tried to cheer up an old friend that had wisdom teeth removed

but i made it through and that was last week and today is the start of a new week so heres hoping its better.....

well like always
stay tuned...
more to come....

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