Be the Change, You Wish to See in the World.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Week on Earth...

What would you do if you found out you only had one year left to live; or weeks, or just days even?

How would you react? Would you tell the ones you love and want to spend the last hours with them knowing that you won't be there to watch them grow up, or get married, or anniversaries, etc.? Would you lash out at your loved ones, or simply shut them out and push them away? Would you accept it and try to live out the rest of the time you have left in peace? Or would it be a wave of denial and sorrow which would engulf your personality and send you into a dark pit of depression? Would you spend the time you have left regretting your past choices or regretting the "coulda dones"? Would you create the so called "bucket list", of which items you would like to do or have completed before your time here is up? Or would you party like it's 1999, going out guns a blazin'?

There are many different ways a person can react to such news and it is not for others to judge. For what and how will you decide to deal when it happens to you.

We all should try to live in the now, and live it up. Every day is precious. So com'on, get out there.

Thats all for now
Stay tuned
More to come, and maybe this time, not so many damned months later....

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ex-Sex.... Should it happen?

So I have a topic that I want to talk about this time for my blog:
Ex-Sex, or quite simply, sex with your ex.

So if you break up with someone is it okay to still continue having sex with the person you broke up with?

Well let's examine some possibilities....

If you end on a bad break up, where one or both of you have ill feelings towards each other; even though angry sex can be amazing, it is definitely a bad idea. DO NOT DO IT!!!!
If it was a bad relationship and there was a lot of drama and craziness, having sex with that person can bring you back into all that mess. And it is also possible that one of you is likely to have their feelings hurt by expecting too much. Still bad relationship ending, bad idea, no matter how you spin it.

Okay, so say you have a good break up and it's one of those kinds where you either are still gonna be good friends, or some other way where you ended up on good terms.
Then yes, it can be a good thing or considered okay, but with a few rules.
For starters, don't continue having sex with your ex if you are already pursing another relationship. That is Rule #1.
Second, don't do it if it will prevent one or both of you from finding and meeting new people. That is definitely not a good way to move on. ...sidenote, if your not ready to move on then yes it can be a good idea, but only if both parties agree to the terms.
And now to the third thing, both parties need to agree, be aware, and except the terms of the fuck buddy system they are entering into at that time period.
Fourth, Ex-Sex is not right if it is simply a means to hold on to someone or the relationship you once had.
And I guess while there are more reasons, I will leave with a final thought. If you can't trust your ex, then you probably shouldn't be having sex with them for multiple reasons. But two main reasons are that if you can't trust them then you cant trust they aren't going to hurt you or your heart, and you wont trust they aren't messing around with multiple partners that can potentially expose you to disease.

While under the right circumstances, Ex-Sex can be okay. But in the wrong situations and pretenses, and can be self destructive. Choose wisely friends

That's all for now....
More to come....
Stay tuned....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fridays suck....

So seriously... i dont understand why i was needed to come in this morning.... i mean really.... can no one run the damned thing without me especially when tina is out of town.....ugh

Let me start with saying that after i got done with the lunch rush... i had some errands shall we say.... to take care of privately and let me tell you....oh damn....

First, mary is always starting some shit by acting all crazy and stressed out when its really not that serious. i mean, how the hell could she handle a friday night taking orders and running a busy friday like i do....
but i was looking through the paper trail as i like to call it... for tina right, yea, let me tell you that the money doesnt add up.....
by everything that was input on the books so to say.... 800 dollars came up missing....
oh, oh, and, .... because lin was bored....huh....he decided to go through the "safe" and start counting the money and organizing it right..... yea, i saw him take like 5 or 6 hundred dollars in twenty's and totally pocket the shit..... no wonder business is no good asshole....
but for a busy friday, to treat me like he was tonight, especially when i took care of so much to help the night go by so much more smoothly..... but whatever..... one day mother fucker.... one day.... grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

but for reals... im off work and im sippin my drink.... so alls well that ends right....

thats all for now
more to come
stay tuned

Friday, October 21, 2011

Been a Minute.. huh

So I've not kept up on here in the last month and a half.... and although I could write a long novel... I think I'll stick to some recent basics....

So there's a cool halloween costume party coming up on the 29th at the Irish Exit bar in New Albany.... Several weeks ago, me and Brandy and her mom lol, went costume shopping.... and hold your horses, I'm not gonna reveal my costume.... Your just gonna have to go meet me there and find out....hahahaha....
But anyways, we found some good costumes and had a great day together.

Well, Tinas out of town again, and I cant really say that I blame her. I mean she deserves a vacation for as much and as hard as she works. But anywho, she has invited her cousin to come and help out while shes gone so that not everything falls on me.
Her name is Jinny and she is very nice.... plus she speaks better english and has more of a vocabulary than Tina go figure lol.
But she doesnt trust herself to make decisions and she is always asking Lin instead of me.
Which brings me to my next point....
Lin is the only male out of four children and lets just say that his parents spoiled him rotten because of this fact. This mofo doesnt get his way and all hell breaks loose.
Like many times before when Tina is MIA, he thinks he can run the shop and treats me like shit. Well let me tell you, he's a brat, a drama starter, and a complete liar.
But it's okay because she believes me and not him, even though I am forbidden to reveal the truth to Jinny..... poor thing, she probably thinks the worst of me.

But yea, everything is going good I guess.
I finally broke down and turned on my heat.... me of all people who always likes it cold lol.....

I wish that a certain friend would pay attention to me more....
I'm trying to be a good friend, but I dont exactly feel like I'm getting the same treatment in return...

Stay tuned....
More to come....

Sunday, August 21, 2011

a lovely visit

so after i had a bad week...
amber called me friday night and told me shed like to spend the night saturday at my house after she and derrick were done with the races at the sportsdrome...

i asked to go home at nine but still got cashed out (at 9:20) with two more deliveries and didnt get home til a lil after ten anyways....

anyways u know the old cliche, company's coming...gotta clean
anyways i cleaned up a bit and i keep getting sidetracked everytime i started something i would move on to something else before that was finished lol

but they showed up and we talked i got a kids movie on upstairs in my room for alyssa and amber and derrick played video games while i watched and chilled with a drink....

it was an awesome time and so overdue...i cant wait to do it again...

well thats all for now....
stay tuned....
more to come....

things happen

so its been a minute since ive posted but ive been busy as hell....

so im not sure of all thats happened since my last update...but im gonna give it a try

well we had a hell of a storm that blew through on saturday night on the 13th the had real strong winds. now the storm only lasted for like 10-15 minutes..but that was enough to do some major damage. power was knocked out all over the area, including the shop.
let me say that even though we had no power and the generator for the complex only gave us one emergency outlet, we were still open for business. ugh it was a mess.

so the power didnt come back and fully restore our operating systems at work until monday morning....needless to say that sunday was a bitch at work

since tina came back from new york, lin has been taken alot, ALOT of time off work. he feels that since she had a vacation, yea right, that he should get one as well. well after he stayed home almost four days out of the week after she came back...he ended up staying home 3 days last week. so one night he wanted to go home early, cuz oww his foot hurt and oh hes working so hard, ...yea bullshit. i got upset cuz it was tinas turn to go home and rest. i mean she has that leg condition shit. so anyways i yelled at him and argued with him and came this close (fingers slightly pinched) to hitting him in the freaking face. well i held back and didnt but i would have been nice.

so brandon started school last week and can you believe im the one who has to go and pick his ass up because no one else can....i swear im their slave.

i also have been trying to come up with new schedules for everyone at work cuz its that time again, the time where everyone needs me to change their schedules like its just so damn easy.

any ways....thats the most of it.... i mean theres been some private stuff that ive been dealing with but thats in my personal and private journal....
last week has been rough on me and got me down but rather than unloading on people, ive been talking to people and seeing whats going on in their life and if theres anything i can help them with.

id rather listen to others problems and try to make them feel better, if i can, than think about my own situations....
like brandy and all the messed up stuff shes going through....or kats stressful life lol
or trying to help out my cousin when she and i need each other so much right now but are so far apart...
even tried to cheer up an old friend that had wisdom teeth removed

but i made it through and that was last week and today is the start of a new week so heres hoping its better.....

well like always
stay tuned...
more to come....

Monday, August 8, 2011

finding the light in all this darkness...

so as said previous, im getting a doctor bill from years ago (of which i had no prior knowledge to) resolved and taken off my credit report....woohoo

i messaged an old friend in an attempt to regain the friendship that i once had with him
it was a great friendship and ive missed it for some time

i fell in love with a new wine cooler called cordina daiq-go-ri.....awesome

i also realized that this year has been really tough...and yea im not as lucky as alot of my other friends....but hey im still here
i think everything ive gone through to current has made me stronger and theres bad times of course...but im alot stronger than other people give me credit for....stronger than i know....

today was a zombie day at work....probably cause i was tired and worn out
but i realized today when i was talking to my grandma that my stress level has gone down
either im handling it better or im relenting and jus not letting it all get to me

but im most thankful for my friends...theyre not always there when i need them and sometimes they drift apart....
but the ones that have had the chance to really know me can see im a good person asides from my many mistakes, and they always come back in the end....

i feel loved, i dont know why and i dont know from whom, but hes out there

well thats enough from a hopeless romantic
more to come....
stay tuned....