Be the Change, You Wish to See in the World.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

another migraine day...

today was weird if not stressful
i got up early so i could go to the post office for my boss and to mail my netflix back. after i left the post office brandy called me and asked when i wanted her to meet me so that her dad could fix my car....side note, now that the brakes are fixed, i think the alternator or belt might be going out cuz it acts like it has no battery power when i go to start it up. lets pray that it starts tomorro when i get off to work. but anyways my brakes got fixed and he only charged me 200 hundred bucks, parts and all. that was cool. but mary, mary is being really non complacent and argumentative lately....annoying.

but then there were some customer complaints that drove me up the wall, and i think that because they were so ridiculously stupid and stressful, that this could have been what caused a minor migraine today. and to top it all off, ryan has an attitude, like a gay guy attitude, i mean seriously that boy needs to hurry up and come out of the closet already, ugh. gay guy attitudes get on my nerves as it is, but ryan takes it to an all new level. i dont know if i wanna go the lengths to call him my friend anymore. its not the fact that hes so stuck up kats ass and not mine. its the way i feel when I'm around him, the way he makes me feel ignored and i dont think i wanna keep friends like that. i mean given hes already kind of an ass, but the other night i said goodbye to him like four or five times, no not like, really, and he never heard it. i mean the bastard heard when his phone went off alerting him to some new face book alert but did he hear me say "goodbye ryan"...ugh enough ranting about him. but for real, he messed up alot at work tonight and wanted me to fix his mistakes every time....big baby brat.
kat was very thoughtful though; she knew that i wasn't feeling very well and didn't let any mean shit i said get to her. i even apologized for being rude in a text on a delivery run and shes all like, "already forgotten" cool.

but i think the fact the I'm super stressed is why i was sick again today like yesterday....

i dunno, maybe given time ill figure everything out.

well that's all for now...
off to watch glee project....
more to come, so stay tuned.....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WOW....a day off

so today i had a day off.....let me tell you

what was the whole purpose of having days off if all i do is errands personal and otherwise everytime i get one.

today brandy met up with me and we went to to the library so i could check out a few books and so she could look at a few movies to check out. let me start by saying that if you live in jeffersonville and you haven't been to the new library yet you have to go to the second level. now I've been to the new library before but there was a book that i wanted to get that was in the young adult section which so happens to be on the second level. I've never been up to the second level and when me and brandy got up there....WHOA!!!!

up there they have a patio area on the roof where you can sit out in the nice fresh sun rays and read......neato. of course my first reaction was "OK this is where our tax paying dollars are going to" lol hehe. but no for real it is way cool and you should definitely check it out sometime.

then me and brandy went to buy backs where i bought i few movies that I've been hunting down for some time now; practical magic and imaginary heroes. they have all kinds of older movies on DVDs if you're interested in checking it out. i mean hey it would save you money on shipping and handling you know.

after that we were getting hungry so we went to eat at golden corral. they sure have a different selection for the lunchtime crowd. it was either there at the buffet or El nopal which is my favorite Mexican restaurant. and lets face it....some fat bitches love some buffet. lol

then while we were driving around to different place gettin things here or there after we ate, i had some personal phone calls to make and found out that i might get a certain something removed off my credit report....hooray.

so we end up at the dollar general, and this is when i notice that my phone was still on vibrate from when me and brandy were at the library...oh shit....i missed like 24 calls from my other bestie Kat and she was having a very bad day and needed to vent. so i called her and let her tell me the crazy shit she went through today and oh man....hectic.....tear for Kat :'(

but anyways there was this stand at the front of the dollar store that said buy one get one free and it was fabric cloth grocery I'm trying to be more concerned about the world and Eco system so I'm like hey ill buy some. we get to the checkout line and they both ring up and I'm like "hey they're supposed to be buy one get one". the lady is like no they are not...I'm like yes they are, there's the sign right there.....well another associate gets involved and she says they're not and pulls the sign out of the holder and it says all boys and girls cloths.....well I'm like that's false advertising can i still get the price because its not my fault that the sign holder was blocking what was actually on sale by a thin piece of metal.....i figured might as well ask right. huh, the lady gets an attitude and says"no that is not false advertisement and i just called my manager and she said no"

bitch no you didn't, you didn't have time to call a manager i was watching the whole time. so after the manger type associate leaves, the associate at the cash register asks me if i still want them and I'm like no that's OK...its not really that big a deal.

oh no, it was a big deal for brandy. she felt like the lady who came up to all of us at the register was very rude and even rude to the girl checking us out. she asked her to come back up, got her name, and asked for the number to corporate. needless to say she called and complained and let them no as we were leaving that she was gonna call and funny as it all is, i don't think ill be going back into that dollar general again lol.

well anyways after me and brandy said goodbye, she left to go home to walk her dogs and after about and hour i started cleaning my apartment. and trust me, it needed it whew. so after three and a half hours later everything is clean and the only thing left to do is go through some bills and organize and sort through 3-4 weeks of newspapers to read and clip coupons.

whoa what a busy and productive Tuesday/day off.

well that's all for know, more to come so stay tuned....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One-sided tan

So I noticed that I'm not just burning here of late; which is something that always happens, no tan...jus burn and peel.

So anyways, I keep getting these mild burns that are turning into a tan I i digress.
Anyways I get home from a stressful day and change into night clothes so that i can lounge on the couch in my apartment and while I am changing I notice a very distinct tan line (pics coming soon). I mean there's a reddish tan and then there's this bright white line from where my beater sits on my shoulder. I mean bright like staring into the sun when there's six feet of snow on the ground bright. And further more, besides my white lines, I also notice that one shoulder is darker than the other from driving all the time. Oh yeah, for those who don't know, I'm a delivery driver. But yeah, one shoulder is friggin darker than the other now. It's like dark meat and white meat on Thanksgiving day. Blah....

But this day has been stressful like so many other Mondays. Did I mention that Mondays suck. But I'm off tomorrow and I was trying to get alot of errands done for my boss today since I'll be off tomorrow and I mean just chaos.....ugh.

Stay tuned....more rants to come.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I need a Vaycay.....

I'm conventionally over worked like a rotisserie oven roasting chickens at the Kroger's deli department. I need a break.

A vacation sounds wonderful; and I'm thinking somewhere that I won't be found.