Be the Change, You Wish to See in the World.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Unanswered Prayers

So some of you may now that country song sung by Garth Brooks.... "sometimes I thank god, for unanswered prayers...."-Well, thats how Im looking at the events in my life.If I had gotten the things in life differently and the way that I want them then i wouldnt have had the chance of meeting that special someone.
He's brave and he's smart. He's strong and can admit when he's weak.He's a good friend to have around and he's someone Ive enjoyed gettin to know again. He's someone that makes me proud everyday that i can look up to his examples.He helps me stay off drugs because his accomplishments are my drugs.He keeps me in school.He HAS helped me to let go of grudges and forgive.He HAS helped me to reunite friendships and have a genuine love for everybody as equals.Although I am biased when it comes to certain matters such as politics....He HAS helped me to be more open.When I need that extra pat on the shoulder to keep my spirits up...he is there.
It has been a long time since Ive truly felt happy in life and Im glad to feel it again.Happiness is something I wasnt sure if I would experiance again.Ever since I lost Cameron I feel like Ive been Lost in life.....Like a chili thats bland and has no spice (spirit or life) and no meat or noodles.....Its just a soup without character.And now I feel like there is more out there to life(wasnt an intentional reference to Reba McEntire's "Is There Life Out There.")
Recently I have been ultra busy major with work and school that it has been very difficult to keep in touch with friends and my social life.So Ive been making it a habit of trying to talk to a different friend each day by text messaging and emails.
If youre one of my friends and you happen to check up on my blogs from time to time please feel free to message me or ask for my number....
I have a lot to thank God for and I am truly happy for once without waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Ive always been a decent person...but from here on out I think Ill be Toni The Tiger.....
To all the people I love heres a Happy Warm Hug and Kiss up on the cheek for you....
And to all the HATERZ out there that have made my life unpleasant in the past..... i hope you grow up, move on, and forget about that petty shit because the only ones that you are hurting are yourselves.
Spread Love, Make Peace, Find Happiness, Be Safe......
Until next time......

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