Be the Change, You Wish to See in the World.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Week on Earth...

What would you do if you found out you only had one year left to live; or weeks, or just days even?

How would you react? Would you tell the ones you love and want to spend the last hours with them knowing that you won't be there to watch them grow up, or get married, or anniversaries, etc.? Would you lash out at your loved ones, or simply shut them out and push them away? Would you accept it and try to live out the rest of the time you have left in peace? Or would it be a wave of denial and sorrow which would engulf your personality and send you into a dark pit of depression? Would you spend the time you have left regretting your past choices or regretting the "coulda dones"? Would you create the so called "bucket list", of which items you would like to do or have completed before your time here is up? Or would you party like it's 1999, going out guns a blazin'?

There are many different ways a person can react to such news and it is not for others to judge. For what and how will you decide to deal when it happens to you.

We all should try to live in the now, and live it up. Every day is precious. So com'on, get out there.

Thats all for now
Stay tuned
More to come, and maybe this time, not so many damned months later....